Privacy Policy
Business Unit – Promoção e Eventos, Lda., limited liability company, with headquarters at Avenida Brasil n.º 1, 6.º, 1749-008 Lisboa, registered in the Conservatory of the Commercial Registry of Lisbon, holder of registry and tax number 507240014, henceforth named as Business Unit, is a commercial company with the object of providing integrated services in the areas of publicity and marketing, promotional marketing, human resources for event marketing, fashion productions, hostesses, promoters; renting and fabrication of uniforms; animation and events; catering; public relations; organization and support of congresses and presentations. Organization of sports events. In the course of its commercial trade Business Unit uses the brand Tox'Inn Marketing Promocional, henceforth named as Tox’Inn, designation by which it is known and named in the present document.
Tox’Inn is responsible for the personal data collected through the website, being committed to the strict and scrupulous compliance of the legislation that regulates the protection of personal data, privacy and information security, with the intent of protecting the personal data and privacy of the website’s users, regarding the personal data gathered and/ or transmitted online while using the website.
Through the submission of the application form available on the website, the applicant states that the identifying elements made available are true and current, accepting that their false statements not only constitutes a misrepresentation and deceptive practice, but could also be grounds for removal from the Tox’Inn database.
Additionally, the applicant states that they authorize Tox’Inn, or any entity that it may hire to that effect – as long as that is known to the holder of personal data – to process and store informatically the personal data provided through the application form.
Tox’Inn is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of the personal data gathered, to not allow it to be used to any other end than that for which it is gathered, and to allow its access, update and/or elimination by the holder of the personal information gathered. The update of the personal data must be promoted through the completion of a new form, which will substitute the one previously sent. The elimination of personal data gathered should be requested through an email sent to, under the subject of “request of registry elimination” followed by the full name of the personal data holder.
The personal data provided in the application form that is not eliminated through the request of its owner, is gathered for a 5 (five) year term, from the date of submission, being automatically deleted at the end of said period.
The form is meant for artists and/or promoters that intend to collaborate with Tox’Inn and/or its clients.
The personal information submitted by the applicant must be provided exclusively by them, and the applicant must prove their identity when that is requested of them by Tox’Inn and in the case that doubts arise regarding the mentioned identity.
The submitted personal data is sent automatically to the Tox’Inn database, being the following information provided: name, phone number, email, tax identification number, ID number, address, academic qualifications, professional experience.
With the application form, additionally to the personal details mentioned on the previous paragraph, pictures, social network links (namely, but not exclusively, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc.) must be provided.
The personal information provided (identifying elements and pictures), will be stored and processed on the Tox’Inn database and are meant, exclusively, for professional recruitment. The holders of such information accept that Tox’Inn makes this data available to its clients for the mentioned purpose. Through the disclosure of personal data, Tox’Inn makes itself demand of its clients the strict compliance of the present privacy policy. Through the submission of the application form, the holder of the personal data gathered states, expressively, that they authorize Tox’Inn to use the mentioned data, including their image, for all processes inherent to the application for professional recruitment.
Through the submission of the application form, the holder of personal data states expressively and irrevocably that they yield to Tox’Inn the rights to their image, in jobs they might be selected for and in which they might participate in, consequently authorizing that said image might be used and publicized, in its whole or partially, in photographs, illustrations, videos, animations, pamphlets, website, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other social/professional media, for promotional and exposure ends within the scope of its commercial trade and others related to events promotion, as well as in information campaigns of other activities related to Tox’Inn. The yielding of the use of image rights is done for unlimited time and without charge. The cancellation of the present authorization can be requested to Tox’Inn at any time, expressively, taking effect 30 (thirty) days after the request is submitted. Tox’Inn reserves the right to charge the holder the costs it may incur in consequence of this authorization’s cancellation. The cancellation of said authorization demands the automatic removal from the Tox’Inn database and of any recruitment process in course. The cancellation of the authorization must be communicated through na email sent to, under the subject “cancellation of authorization of image use” followed by the full name of the personal data holder.
After the reception of the confirmation email, received after submitting the application form and said application being accepted, the applicant guarantees that they have full knowledge of ToxInn’s internal rules of operation, sent as an attachment to the mentioned email and, as such, that they expressively and irrevocably accept and intend to abide by them. If, for any reason, the applicant does not receive a confirmation email within 5 (five) business days of submitting the form, or if said email does not contain the mentioned attachment, they should contact Tox’Inn’s services through the email address, under the subject “failure of registry confirmation email” followed by the personal information holder’s full name. Lack of knowledge of the mentioned norms does not constitute a valid justification for non-compliance.
With the provision of services to Tox’Inn and/or to one of its clients, the applicant declares that they have full knowledge of all the rules and procedures and that they will abide by them.
Tox’Inn reserves the right of updating and/or changing the present Privacy Policy.